Israel's Longest Running Newspaper Cites Growing Influence
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The Alliance for Israel Advocacy (AIA) (www.israeladvocates.org) responded to an Haaretz op-ed entitled Meet Donald Trump's Least Disloyal Jews, written by Allison Kaplan Sommers and published August 27, 2019. The op-ed highlighted the growing political influence of Messianic Jews. Citing Sommer's op-ed, Joel Chernoff, Executive Director of AIA said, "Both Washington D.C. and Jerusalem acknowledge a new era of Messianic Jewish influence. What was once considered taboo, is now recognized and increasingly valued in the halls of power."
Chernoff added, "Messianic Jews have always been strong supporters of Israel, but Donald Trump's presidency has ushered in new opportunity to express that support through organized advocacy. Before the Trump administration, U.S. Presidents were reluctant to associate themselves with Messianic Jews, due to the opposition it would engender from traditional religious and secular Jewish communities. But that is changing. Now, Messianic Jews are among the President's closest advisors. They are also close to the Vice-President, and many senior administration officials."
Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA) President, Rabbi Dr. Joel Liberman, added, "President Trump and his White House are wise to embrace and include Messianic Jews. Messianic Jews may continue to make some segments of the Jewish community uncomfortable, but with BDS and anti-Semitism on the rise, Israel's political leaders, as well as Jewish leaders outside of Israel, increasingly acknowledge their need for strong allies wherever they may be found."
Chernoff further stated, "The Messianic community is not content to just observe policy and cheer from the sidelines. Rather, Messianic Jews are highly active in promoting a strong and secure Israel. For over two years, the Alliance for Israel Advocacy (with representatives in both Washington DC and Jerusalem) has advocated against the two-state solution and has promoted a fair and practical solution for a single Jewish state in the historic and biblical promised Land of Israel.
Terry Allen, AIA Director of Public Policy, added that AIA has been able to interact with many Members of Congress and Trump Administration officials at the highest levels and will continue to defend Israel and the worldwide Jewish community from the dangers of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric and activity by rallying Israel-loving Christians everywhere to stand with God's prophetic Jewish people and the nation of Israel.
The Alliance for Israel Advocacy (AIA) seeks to activate and organize American support for Israel by articulating Israel's biblical claim to the Land. AIA is the public policy arm of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America which is the largest organization worldwide representing the Messianic Jewish community. AIA seeks to equip the Christian church, policy makers and the media with resources to foster greater understanding of the biblical case for Israel's claim to the historic Land of Israel, her right to self-determination, and for her role in world redemption.