"As so many nations, organizations and leaders increasingly and unjustly attack and attempt to delegitimize the modern State of Israel, I am happy to endorse and support the Alliance for Israel Advocacy, its mission and objectives."
"All of western society is built on the moral foundation of the Jewish Scriptures. Therefore, it is right for all followers of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to stand with and defend Israel’s right to the ancient Land of Israel which is so clearly outlined and described in the Bible. Therefore, I am happy to endorse the Alliance for Israel Advocacy."
"According to God’s Word, the future of our nation is in part dependent upon our treatment of the nation of Israel, our most faithful and important ally. We must therefore stand against any effort of our nation to turn its back on Israel, and we must take a strong stand against the growing darkness of anti-Semitism in the world. For these reasons, I strongly support the Alliance for Israel Advocacy."
"As grafted-in Gentile believers in the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, we are honored to stand with the Alliance for Israel Advocacy (AIA) and their efforts to combat the scourge of anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism. To do any less would be to oppose the plans and purposes of God."
"With the rise of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement, Israel faces an increasingly sophisticated attack on its existence as a Jewish state. I applaud the efforts of the Alliance for Israel Advocacy and all others who strive to protect Israel's right to exist."
"As an Arab-American who realizes Israel remains a powerful beacon of liberty and blessing to the entire Middle East, it is with great enthusiasm that I wholeheartedly endorse the work of the Alliance for Israel Advocacy as a means of fighting anti-Semitism, bigotry and persecution in the region and around the world."
"I firmly believe that western society and beyond is built upon the moral foundation of Judeo Christian scriptures. I, also, believe that the ancient land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people in perpetuity as outlined in the Holy Scriptures. Consequently, I believe that all followers of the God of Israel should stand with and advocate for the right of the Jewish people to the Land. Understanding that this is the very mission of the Alliance for Israel Advocacy, I heartily give it my endorsement."
"Anglicans, in the second decade of the nineteenth century, advocated for the Jewish people to once again dwell in Israel, the land of their ancestors. Our reasons were Biblical. The Alliance for Israel Advocacy shares this Biblical commitment."